When "Problem" to get your Ac Repair?

In the scorching summer heat of Dubai, a perfectly functioning AC is necessary. Your AC will be your best friend allowing comfortable and cool temperature at your home. Regular AC maintenance Dubai service is required for your AC. Without regular maintenance, several problems can arise damaging the functioning of your AC. Professional repair services are essential to reduce the damage to your system. You need effective AC repair Dubai services to fix the problems. Several common repairs are regularly fixed by technicians. The most common AC problems are following:
- Frozen Air Conditioner Unit
Your air condition can freeze up due to certain problems. One of the most common reasons is due to frozen coils. If your AC has frozen coils, your refrigerant performance will be affected. AC service Dubai can easily identify the underlying problem. You may face the frozen coil issue if there is some problem with the AC’s airflow. Get your dirty filters replaced or cleaned frequently as they can negatively impact the airflow of your AC. Another issue arises when your blower fan isn’t working, it can result in freezing your AC. This means the cold air will be trapped inside the AC and it will freeze up the coil.
- Refrigerant Leaks Problems
If you experience low refrigerant, it could be an alarming sign that your AC leaks. Leaking refrigerants is quite harmful to the environment. If you experience a leak in your AC, you should immediately contact our trained technicians for AC repair Dubai services. Getting your AC repaired timely will save up additional expenses. Trained technicians will be able to accurately diagnose and fix the leak. It will boost the performance of your AC as your AC system will be charged with more refrigerant. The performance of your AC is significantly dependent upon the refrigerant charge matching the specifications of the manufacturer.
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- Poor maintenance
The components of your AC suffer from wear and tear over time. Annual AC maintenance Dubai service is vital to sustaining the optimal functioning of your system. Annual checks help in identifying the repair issues timely and ensuring a comfortable summer season for you. There is a huge possibility of a complete system breakdown if one component isn’t functioning properly. Eventually, the performance depends on the entire system working smoothly.
- Sensor problems
Usually, AC’s have a thermostats sensor. If the thermostat sensor is not placed properly it won’t measure the air coming into evaporator coils temperature. If this happens, the AC will cycle continuously. A professional technician can fix the position of the sensor. The sensor should be fixed next to the coil but without touching it.
- Dodgy wiring
You will be needing AC service Dubai if your AC is installed by someone who was not a professional technician as they have done the wiring poorly. With effective AC repair services, our professional technician will reinstall your AC to make the wiring safe. Poor wiring can result in serious hazards, causing a fire or cutting the power supply to your AC.
- Outdoor fan problems
The main purpose of an outdoor fan is to throw the heat from inside your home to the outside. If the outdoor fan isn’t functioning properly, it will be preventing the heat transfer mechanism. Your AC might be at the risk of overheating due to trapped heat inside.
Who to call for AC Repair Dubai?
If your AC isn’t working properly, you are experiencing cooling problems, or if you are just getting prepared for the next summer season, Click Here to schedule a maintenance appointment with Breeze cool. Enjoy the cooling of your perfectly functioning AC.
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